
A Life Full of Laughter: Picture time!

"All that I'm after is a life full of laughter...."

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Picture time!

I got a HUGE box full of fabric and scraps from Mary in Rolling Meadows, IL yesterday. Thanks so much Mary!!! I love all of it but especially the little girl prints - so cute!

I also finished my first Quilts for Kids quilt!!!! Yea! I love how cute and cuddly it is. I decided to leave the border just the way it is and I'm glad I did. I love the effect it gives the corners. I'm so excited about making charity quilts. I wish I could see the little girl's face that ends up with this quilt.

One thing I really like is that there is a label included in the kid. You write your first name and the name of the quilt on it with a permanent marker. There is a website that you can also register the quilt on. After it is delivered to the recipient, they are able to go online and read alittle bit about the story behind the quilt. Plus, if they want to, they can add their own info into the story. Such a neat idea!! Here's my label for the quilt, which I named "Princess Dreams"!

If you haven't requested a kit yet, please go do it now! And for all of you that are working on kits, please try to send a second quilt back made from your own fabric. We can really make a difference when we all work together!


Bianca said...


Your Quilt is really pretty. I can't wait for my kit to arrive.

Mary Johnson said...

I do borders like that on purpose at times so I think it looks good. I won't be ordering a kit though because I've got lots of my own stash here to use on donation quilts.

Loretta said...

Very cute, Lisa. Love the colors and the layout.

bingo~bonnie said...

Have you seen the TV Commercials for Downey and the quilts? I have and they are great.

Love seeing all the kits made up around blog land - I just put together mine in January ;) they sure do mail out some very cute and cheerful fabrics don't they! :) and I loved how fast it all went together!

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

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