
A Life Full of Laughter: Using "My Job Chart" to Encourage Reading

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Using "My Job Chart" to Encourage Reading

You might remember my post introducing "My Job Chart" not that long ago.  I came across this wonderful online program and wanted to share with all of you.  Have any of you taken the time to check it out?  I hope you have!  You won't be sorry because "My Job Chart" is completely free and an awesome way to teach your children responsibility.

Today, though, I wanted to talk about another idea I had for using "My Job Chart".  Obviously, I believe this is an exceptional product for creating chore charts, monitoring your children's progress and rewarding them for completion.  Well why not use those same techniques to encourage them to read?  My dad was a huge reader throughout my childhood. I picked up that same love of reading and I've passed it on to my daughter as well. Not all kids are prone to love reading though.  That doesn't mean it isn't important, or necessary, for them to spend time reading everyday.

My suggestion is to add "Read 15 Minutes" to your child's list of responsibilities within their job chart.  They will be encouraged to do it because they want the points to work towards whatever reward they are striving for.  I can almost guarantee that within a few days of reading 15 minutes each day they will be hooked on their book and start reading for longer periods of time.  Which, after all, is the goal!


1 comment:

4Eighteen said...

Great idea! I'll have to keep this in mind for when my girl is old enough to read on her own.

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