First off, Friday night went great with my nephew. He is so adorable!!! We played lots of Wii, ate at McDonalds and let him play in the play place, watched the movie Prince of Egypt, played some games, colored, played with cars and talked lots and lots. He fell asleep around 10:30 and was up at about 7:15 the next morning. The first thing he said was "Guess what Aunt Lisa, it's morning!!!" I said to my husband that he says it like it is a good thing - LOL! He kept telling me thank you and was so sweet when we took him home.
I sure was tired all day Saturday. It's funny that a five year old little boy could wear me out so much! Luckily, I was able to rest all day and so I took advantage of it. Around 7:30 Saturday evening my phone rang and it was my brother calling. I answered the phone and could hear someone crying in the background. A couple minutes later I heard a little voice say "I miss you Aunt Lisa!!!!". It was Dominic and he was just sobbing. He missed me so much. It was so cute! I told him to color me some pictures and that would help him remember all the fun stuff we did. I also told him that he could come again another night, which seemed to help alot. What a sweetheart!!! Tom told me later that I was so great with him and that he would probably never get the undivided attention I gave him from anywhere else. That really made me feel good.
Today I have been very busy. Some friends have been discussing new ironing boards on one of my email lists. It made me want to make one too, so I begged Tom today to help me. And he did, of course!! What a guy - he loves to make me happy. I wish I had taken a picture of my ironing board before we started but I didn't think of it. So the first picture is of my board with the new, green, flannel cover that I made. If you notice, the board has a metal place at the end to hold my iron. I like it but it is sorta a problem because it holds the iron at an angle, which makes the steam come out when it's on. Anyway, here is the picture.
Next, Tom figured out a way to make a cover for the metal thing. He used plywood and put little pieces of wood on the bottom to hold it on. I covered it with the same flannel and now I can sit my iron upright on there all the time. Here is a picture.
Then Tom took a piece of plywood that Home Depot had cut down to 24" X 48". He sanded the edges down and added pieces of wood underneath to hold it in place. We covered it with two old beach towels and more of the green flannel. We stretched everything tight and he stapled it all to the back. I love it!!! Now I'm going to have a huge area to iron on which will be great with yardage and strips. Plus, whenever I need to iron clothes, usually just for church, then I can take the big board off and the underneath one won't be covered with threads. Yea! I really do love it and it only cost us about $15.00 for the wood. I used everything else from home. Here is a picture.
Next, we went to work on my iron. The bottom of it had gotten so dirty! I tried ironing a dryer sheet but that didn't make much difference. I've heard that works but I'm guessing my iron was just too dirty. Isn't it gross??
My husband took a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and got it wet. He scrubbed my iron and now it looks like new. I can't believe how great it worked!!! So shiny and pretty!!
Today was a busy day, but it was fun working on all these "makeovers" with my husband! Tomorrow he starts his job. He'll be working 6:30 - 3:00 everyday. I sure am going to miss him!! But I'm thankful that the Lord supplied this job just as we needed it. God is good!!