
A Life Full of Laughter: Need to Get Organized!

"All that I'm after is a life full of laughter...."

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Need to Get Organized!

I really, really need a schedule.  I am so frustrated with myself because I waste so much time on this computer every evening.  When we're eating lunch, I always think that I'm going to get so much done this evening.  But then Tom leaves for work, I get on the computer to check my email and next thing I know it is dinner time!  Time just flies on here.  I have been doing a lot of "important" things like working on Central Ohio Binky Patrol paperwork, doing some schoolwork, and tons of blogging things.  I'm researching potential sponsors, putting together giveaways/reviews, joining blog hops, building followers, forging relationships with other bloggers and just working on this blog!  I love doing those things & I know it'll pay off in the future, but there are still things I need to do away from the computer as well.

I need to clean, get the donations put away from Central Ohio Binky Patrol, work on old knitting/crochet/quilting projects, read the books I need to review for my blog.  The two big ones are cleaning and crafting.  I hate to clean, as anyone who knows me can tell!  I have to do it though. I really think if I could just get myself on a schedule it would be so much better.  I also really miss crafting....especially quilting!  I have so much beautiful yarn, fabric and supplies, not to mention all the unfinished objects (UFOs!!) that have been ignored for way too long.

Anyone have any suggestions?  How do you schedule your time?  How do you handle your UFOs?  I know I've asked this in the past but this time I'm serious - - - well atleast at this moment I am, lol!  How about you bloggers?  What type of schedule do you follow?  What blogging chores do you try to get done every day?



Wife.. Mom... etc.. said...


Mary said...

I'm struggling with the blogging. I think best in the morning but I feel guilty if I blog before doing chores, etc.

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